Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Shame on you!

Your freedom of speech should not give you the right to change what I said or clip it out of context to completely change the meaning of what I said. Shame on all who do it, no matter what letter is after your name. - there ought to be a law...


What a shame that dog poop like this piece of scum gets freedom of speech in our great country. Where is the outrage from the left that is always screaming about hate? More hypocrisy of the left.

Think crime is out of control?

The Justice System works with the laws written by the legislators and the judges we elect. Remember that on November 2nd.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Liberals jump to wrong conclusion

I do not understand why liberals assume that rejection of Obama is a call to return to the Bush policies. The reason the Tea Party is so popular with conservatives is because it rejects Obama's socialist agenda, but also rejects the big spend policies and liberal border policies of Bush. Obama's change has turned out to NOT be what most of the country wants.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Miss me yet?

 I think those guys in northwest Pakistan are wishing Bush was back.

Obama wants unfettered access to your Internet activity | TG Daily

Will the left be as vocal on this as they were when it was the Bush administration? Good test of their hypocrisy here. It is not that I am opposed to either, but the pass Obama gets on things like troop surge and monitoring communications when the left was all over Bush makes clear the hypocrisy.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

People don't take care of each other today

People don't take care of each other today because we have spent decades convincing them that is government's job

My First Tea Party Event

This week I received a notice of a Tea Party event being held on Friday night, here in Wake Forest, NC. The location was to be only a block from my home at an old historic home now hired out for events. How could I not go? I walked down Friday evening for a chance to see what a Tea Party crowd was actually like, and to meet the congressional candidate, Bill Randall.

I must say I was impressed by the crowd and the candidate. Average age was probably about my age, early 60's. It seemed to me that there were as many younger than me, as there were older. I would estimate the racial mix at about 90% white and 10% black. The crowd was very friendly and very well behaved. I saw no sign nor heard anything said that would have been offensive to anyone. The meeting began with saying the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag, followed by singing the national anthem, and then a prayer. This set the tone of the meeting.

Curtis Wright, radio show host from Wilmington was the M.C. of the evening and did a great job. But the highlight of the evening was hearing from the candidate, Bill Randall. What a fine, conservative, sincere man! We also met his wife, and I must say the two of them set an example of love and family caring.

I left the meeting feeling much more positive about the possibility of conservatism leading this country.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

NAACP prefers buses over education

In Wake County North Carolina, the elected school board is being attacked with legal action by the NAACP. Apparently, the NAACP would rather see education money spent on a bus fleet and lawyers rather than educating their underachieving children.

The NAACP uses school children similar to the way Arabs use the Palestinians, to achieve a social/political agenda, with no sincere concern for the future of the people they claim to help.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

What, you want me to pay for it?

End all Federal grants, stimulus money, all federal funding of schools, all federal funding of any local or state programs. Then cut federal taxes. If local areas still want the programs, let them vote locally to increase taxes to pay for them. I'm guessing most will go away.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

North Korea and other tyrants

One day their leadership will be gone, and they will ask us, why did you let us suffer so long? Same thing for the suffering people of Darfur and many other places. The rest of the world has shirked a moral responsibility to get rid of these tyrannical leaders, but only the USA has ever had the backbone to do it. The rest of the world just does not give a damn. When they ask, we in the USA will tell them to take their question to the UN.

Monday, September 20, 2010

The Blame Game

I am sick and tired of both parties blaming each other for deficit, debt and higher taxes. Both are to blame. We are suffering from decades of accumulated poor governance and oversight by Democrats and Republicans. They both promise to fix it at election time, then it is business as usual when elections are over. It is this that is driving the TEA Party movement.