Sunday, July 25, 2010

Van Jones Address Netroots Nation 2010

This speech by Van Jones confirms he is still the communist he has always been.

He speaks of people losing their "dream homes". Many people mortgaged homes they dreamed about, rather than homes they could afford. He wants us to feel guilty when they lose them.

This speech focuses on redistribution of wealth, which he calls hope and change.

In Van Jones world of change only the left speaks "truth, and is beautiful". Any opposition is "lies, dishonest, and hate".

His "hope" is not everyone's hope, but only his hope is good. He speaks of putting people back to work, back together. But he wants to do it through wealth redistribution.

He says we have plenty of money and asks, "How are we going to spend it"? The truth is, the government is broke, and running on borrowed money. So, who's "plenty of money" does he want to spend?

He sees "little has been gained from our energy". Yet, energy built America. He believes we can run the country on solar and wind. He never mentions nuclear energy.

He believes cars are created by union assembly line workers. He believes they are the "smart" ones that create products.

He talks about a clean energy "tomorrow" as if we have something ready to replace oil and gas, and could shut them off "tomorrow". Again, no mention of nuclear.

He wants to convert farm land into energy land. No mention of nuclear, no mention of what this would do to the price of food.

When he talks about "bring us together" he means so I can hand my money to someone else. In his world "bring us together" means, take from me, give to you.

He says we must fist fight for the country he wants. He sees opposition to illegal immigration as anti immigrant. He refers to them as "new comers", ignoring the breaking of our laws. He sees unrestrained increase of diversity as the path to his change.

He complains about BP, and who doesn't? But he ignores that it was very much the failure of government regulators and overseers that allowed that disaster to occur. The recent wreck of our economy was very much rooted in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the government backed buyers of 90% of America's mortgages that encouraged unrealistic mortgages on "dream homes."

Yet, Van Jones sees big government as the solution to everyone's problems.

Van Jones and the rest of his kind that Obama has always been surrounded by, are committed to change. What we have to ask is, do we actually want the changes they advocate?

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