Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Our Schools are Ruining Our Children

I am convinced that our school system is teaching our children to despise their parents, God, country, capitalism, competition, excellence, and accomplishment.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

USA should stop funding Arab rockets

The United States of America should not provide funding to any nation or people from whom's soil rockets are fired against an ally of ours. This would start immediately with the Palestinians and Egypt.

Thursday, November 15, 2012


I HATE Obama, I HATE the Democrat party, I HATE people with an entitlement mentality, I HATE people who can but will not work, I HATE people who elect to remain uneducated, I HATE people who think I owe them something. I HATE people who do not appreciate what our military members have done and do for them, I HATE people who think the rules of society do not apply to them. I HATE people who treat those who provide job opportunities as evil.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Cost of Liberalism

Liberals in the USA who claim to support gay rights also embrace the Arab/Muslim world which hates, condemns and kills gays. In Iraq, we now have Police rounding up gays and throwing them in jail, apparently until they are killed. Afghans are killing those who are attempting to train them to install law and order, Libyan and Egyptian people attack and kill our diplomats. Meanwhile, the same liberals hate Israel, the only true democracy and law and order country in the Middle East. We are seen as weak more now than ever because of our current administration and the gullibility of our liberal citizenry. The best nation that was ever created is being torn down from within. Once respected worldwide, we are now mocked, hated and attacked. Hopefully, the pendulum will soon swing back to the side of realism.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

A complacent and myopic America needs to get re-acquainted with reality - Investors.com

A complacent and myopic America needs to get re-acquainted with reality - Investors.com:

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Be sure your grandchildren know who stole their future.

Make note of who has been in Congress, on both sides of the aisle. Those are the names you will want to be sure your grandchildren know are the true villains that stole their future. It is easy to blame Bush or Obama, but the check against excess lies with Congress. A President can only sign laws passed by Congress.

Things you probably did not realize:

America's top export is fuel - Economy - NewsObserver.com

Our government is so naive

US May Adopt ‘Free Terrorists for Peace’ Tactic - Global Agenda - News - Israel National News:

The Islamist plague of terror continues to spread

Nigeria Declares State of Emergency - Global Agenda - News - Israel National News:

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American Power: Bachmann Calls 'Occupy' Protesters 'Obama's Advance Team'

She is right about that.

American Power: Bachmann Calls 'Occupy' Protesters 'Obama's Advance Team':

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Strait of Hormuz standoff: Iran films US aircraft carrier - Telegraph

There was a time when that aircraft would not have been allowed to fly that close to a U.S. carrier. The USS Cole marked the end of our stance of naval security.

Strait of Hormuz standoff: Iran films US aircraft carrier - Telegraph:

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When light replaces darkness, the cockroaches flee.

Hamas Leader Khaled Mashaal Flees Damascus - Middle East - News - Israel National News:

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Time for Action?

Iran Claims It Has Produced Nuclear Fuel Rod - Middle East - News - Israel National News:

Propaganda of Hate

Hitler kept his people's attention off his own evil by keeping them occupied with hate rhetoric directed toward the Jews. The Muslim leaders of his day saw this as reflecting their own centuries old methods and allied with him. His regime passed away, but the Muslim leadership continues the method of deflecting rage from themselves, onto the Jews. This propaganda technique of "the enemy we must resist" is also seen in Obama's use of "the top 1%" as the enemy.